How To Strip Paint Off Wooden Furniture #TuesdayTipsWithFallon
/ Fallon Yates#TuesdayTipsWithFallon
Before you get started make sure you are not removing lead paint. You can purchase a Lead Test Kit HERE.. You also want to make sure you’re in a well ventilated area, and to be extra safe I recommend wearing protective gloves and a mask.
How to strip paint of your wooden furniture:
1. Apply a thick coat of CitriStrip onto the painted area with an old brush. Do not use a foam brush because it will deteriorate.
2. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes. If you feel like it’s necessary you can keep it on for up to 24 hours.
*Optional: You can put a layer of Saran Wrap (or a plastic bag, trash bag, grocery bag, etc.) over top of the CitriStrip if you are in a very humid or dry area. This will keep the product from drying out and allow it to work longer.
3. Scrap off the paint/stripper with a plastic putty knife. If you use a metal knife it may dent or scratch the wood if you’re accidentally too harsh during the removal process.
4. Repeat steps 1 – 4, if necessary.
5. Once you are satisfied with the removal of the paint, clean the sticky residue off with Paint Stripper After Wash. You can purchase this product at your local hardware store, Lowes or The Home Depot.
6. Let the Paint Stripper After Wash dry really well.
7. Sand your piece with 220 grit sandpaper.
8. Wipe off or vacuum the sanding dust.
9. Clean with Mineral Spirits.
10. Let the Mineral Spirits dry and then begin painting.
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*Please note, this blog post does contain affiliate links.
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