How to Line Drawers with Paper. #TuesdayTipsWithFallon
/ Fallon Yates#TuesdayTipsWithFallon
This is one of those questions I get asked a lot! “Fallon, how do you line your drawers or can you do a tutorial on how to line wooden drawers with paper?” So, here ya go!
The key to make sure you are using a high quality, thick paper, because it makes the process so much easier!
Step 1: Flip your drawer over and cut the paper a slightly larger than the size of the drawer.
Step 2: Flip the drawer right-side-up and place the piece of paper into the drawer. Even though the size of the paper is larger than what you need, it gives you a good starting point without having to try and figure out how to trim down a huge piece of paper.
Step 3: Trim the edges until the paper fits perfectly into the drawer. I usually fold down the edges so I know where to cut. You can use a pair of sharp scissors, a paper cutter or you can use a rotary cutter. Just be careful when you’re working with these sharp items!
Step 4: Once the piece of paper fits well, it’s time to glue it down. I personally like to use a spray adhesive for larger pieces and Mod Podge for smaller pieces. When I use spray adhesive, I spray it directly to the wood drawer. In the past when I sprayed the paper, instead of the drawer, it would cause the paper to wrinkle before I could get it situated in its place. When I use Mod Podge, I also apply it directly to the wood on the drawer to make sure all of the areas are covered well. Make sure you watch the video to see when I use spray adhesive vs. Mod Podge.
Step 5: Grab a plastic card (ie: credit card) and or the Mod Podge Tool that I used in the video and smooth out all of the bubbles.
Step 6: If necessary, place some heavy books on the paper for about 20 minutes, then take them off and smooth out the bubbles again with your fingers, not a plastic card because the paper might peel up.
That’s it!
Thank you so much for stopping by for #TuesdayTipsWithFallon! Make sure you tune in every other Tuesday for a new tip! If you want to save this blog post, just pin it to your Pinterest page and/or feel free to share it elsewhere. Thanks again! Happy Lining!
*Please note, this blog post does contain affiliate links.
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