Keeping Your Hardware Organized! #TuesdayTipsWithFallon
/ Fallon Yates#TuesdayTipsWithFallon
When you paint and restore furniture, most of the time you should take the hardware off before you start the prepping and painting process. When you do this, it’s important that you stay organized if you plan on re-using the hardware. In this case, I highly recommend you keep track of the exact location where the hardware came off of. Often times hinges and handles form to the wood, especially softer woods like pine and poplar. If you try to put the hardware back in a different location it will not function as well as it once did.
Unfortunately, I learned this one the hard way! There were times before I started keeping track, that my husband and I would spend hours trying to figure out where the original hinges went because they were not fitting back on the doors correctly. Kitchens can especially be frustrating because there are so many doors and they have been near moisture, causing the hardware to really take shape to the wood.
Even if you think you will remember where each one was located, you won’t. It’s nearly impossible. Go ahead and take a few extra minutes in the beginning and do this. I promise, it will save you so much time, effort and frustration in the end!
Thank you so much for stopping by for #TuesdayTipsWithFallon! Make sure you tune in every other week for a new tip! If you want to save this blog post, just pin it to your Pinterest page and/or feel free to share it elsewhere. Thanks again! Happy organizing!!
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