How To Fix Flaws In Wood Furniture With Bondo. #TuesdayTipsWithFallon
/ Fallon Yates#TuesdayTipsWithFallon
I feel like the video is the easiest way for you to see and understand the process , so I definitely suggest you take a few minutes and watch it.
Either way, Bondo is an excellent way to fix large holes, large scratches, broken trim, or other flaws in wooden furniture. It is also great to use on chipping veneer but I will show you how to apply it to that in another #TuesdayTipsWithFallon tutorial. I only recommend this product when you’re planning on priming and painting your piece. In my experience, it does not go well with stain or gel stain.
Before you start working with Bondo make sure you are in a well ventilated area and that you’re wearing a respirator mask.
Materials you will need:
Cream Hardener (Extra is only necessary if you plan on using a lot of Bondo)
Putty Knife and/or Bondo Spreaders
Wooden paint stirrer (You can use your putty knife if you don’t have an extra stirrer laying around)
Shop Towels (Be prepared and get a few damp towels before you start)
Sharp Utility Blade (If you are doing precise cutting or need to shave off excess Bondo)
Once you apply the Cream Hardener, you will need to work quickly! If you plan on forming or shaping the Bondo in any way, make sure you do it before the Bondo hardens. If you wait too long, it will be too hard to work with and your only option will be to sand it. I recommend waiting about 15 minutes before you apply a second coat or start trying to shape it. Once it’s completely dry, then you can sand it. If the Bondo is rough use a low-grit sandpaper (40, 60 or 80) and then as becomes smoother, use 220 grit. Once everything is nice and smooth and exactly the way you want it, apply a couple coats of primer. After that, you can finally paint!
Thank you so much for stopping by for #TuesdayTipsWithFallon! Make sure you tune in every other week for a new tip! If you want to save this blog post, just pin it to your Pinterest page and/or feel free to share it elsewhere. Thanks again! Happy Bondo’ing!!
*Please note, this blog post does contain affiliate links.
Make sure you check out my other #TuesdayTipsWithFallon videos and blog posts below!!