Goodwill's Color of the Week

It's #ThriftyThursdaysWithFallon and here is a quick tip about The Goodwill. Every week they have a "Color of the Week." You can get an extra 50% off of an item if the price tag has a mark/dot with that color on it. Unfortunately, it doesn't typically cover decor items or home goods. It's usually geared towards clothes and shoes, but you can still get some great deals if you're in the market for those items.

This may differ depending on your location but I know most of them offer at least 20% off and they also have Military and Senior Citizen discounts! I would love to know what type if deals/sales your Goodwill offers and where you're located, so comment below and let me know!

Hope you all have a great day!! See you tomorrow for #FridaysWithFallon! Happy thrifting!
